I never would have thought, I’d see myself in a character from The Secret Life of Pets 2. I’ve seen this movie over 30 times in the last few months. It’s my daughters favorite movie. I have to admit, Max- the main character- and I have a lot in common. He’s committed to protecting his baby human, Liam, from EVERYTHING. Since Liam’s arrival, Max has become jumpy and anxious, needing to know where Liam is at all times. This jumpiness spreads into every aspect of his life. He’s scared of EVERYTHING. He see’s himself as Liam’s protector but is so inhibited by his own fears, he fails to realize HE CAN’T and doesn’t need to protect Liam from everything.
I know too well the feeling of wanting to protect one’s baby from every potentially hurtful and harmful thing- from soap in their eyes during bath time to bumps and bruises from falling. Then there are the crazy scenarios our minds concoct like tripping on a long skirt while carrying the baby down the stairs. Let’s just say my maxi skirts haven’t been worn this summer. Don’t judge me. LOL. I’m a work in progress.
The point is, I know too well the fear of either not preventing or causing or one’s baby hurt or pain.
Fortunately for Max, by the end of The Secret Life of Pets 2, he found his “inner Rooster.” He was forced to complete a task that required him to muster up COURAGE TO DO WHAT NEEDED TO BE DONE despite feeling afraid. With the taste of courage in his mouth, he began to face life with more spunk and freedom. Without fear taking his mind to futuristic and negative “what-ifs,” he was able to be present, enjoy, and face life with Liam.
It’s wise to be MINDFUL of how we handle our precious gifts- our babies. There will be times when they get hurt. It’s a part of growing up. I’m learning to “channel my inner Rooster,” as Max might say, by doing the following:
PRAY - I cover my little Sweat Potato with prayer, entrusting her to God- the only One who can truly protect us.
SLOW DOWN - My husband is always telling me I need to slow down. Most days I feel there’s more to do than time to do it, but no matter how rushed I feel to meet my own deadlines, when it comes to handling my daughter I really try to slow down. I slow down so that I can do my best to SEE (and foresee) WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE MOMENT.
MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS - I research. I ask questions. I use observations. I use gathered information when it comes to making decisions regarding things like when and what foods to introduce to my daughter as well as decisions about how I facilitate experiences for her.
SETTLE DOWN and BE PRESENT - I finally just let go. Every time a negative, fear-driven imagination pops up in my mind regarding the future- such as daycare risks in the midst of a pandemic- I let it go. I push it out and remind myself that I will be prepared for every bridge I need to cross when I need to cross it. In the meantime, I aim to be fully present, enjoying and handling the moment at hand. Worrying about the future does nothing but steal the peace, joy, energy, and health of the present.
Pray. Slow Down. Get Information (Facts). Be Present. These nuggets are transferable. They are not just for anxious new mommies. They are for anxious moments and seasons.
In His Love and By His grace,
AJM Ellis