DEFEAT is a feeling
That starts to rise
Around the third time I'm awaken
In the middle of the night
Playing on exhaustion
It wearies my eyes and sinks my heart
More and more
With every hour hand that pushes
Closer to the time set by my alarm
Defeat is a deceptive voice
That whispers at times I'm most fatigued
Reminding me of things left undone
And the time that has already gone by
Defeat is the monster under my bed
Threatening to take me out
Swallow me whole
Tempting to paralyze me with fear
But as I turn the light switch on
Letters and impact start to fade
I humble myself in prayer
I remind myself it is "IN HIM that I live and move and have my being" and that my sufficiency is IN HIM, that I overcome BY HIS POWER AND MIGHT
I look at that things that keep waking me up and CHOOSE gratitude instead- gratitude for being entrusted with stewardship and responsibility. I lean into that entrustment and entrust the ability to carry out that responsibility to God.
I lay back down with the time I have left and choose to REST. RELY on God.. ENTER His rest. SAY what He says about myself, situations and others. TRUST Him, the process, and myself/what He has put in me.
I wake up at the sound of my alarm. Give the new day to God. Get out of bed and Go again
I defeat Defeat by getting up again. Going again. Trusting. Resting. Believing. Walking in my victory.
I am not and will not be defeated.
I conquer and thrive and win
All by RESTing in Him.